Sep 19, 2018 Best ways to find duplicates on your Mac. In just about a year, an average Mac collects 5 to 70 gigabytes of duplicate files. To find and sort through all of it manually could take up to 15 hours of your time, or just up to 2 hours if you automate the process with a few apps. Here, we’ll show you all the ways to get rid of duplicate junk.
I asked about this at the Apple Store Genius Bar & was shown to uncheck the HEIC option to keep it from continuing to happen,

Jan 13, 2020 Duplicate Detective is available for Mac and you can get it for just $4.99. A free trial is also available. Dupin is an app that manages your duplicate tracks and helps you to delete them. It is compatible with the Finder, iCloud music library and Apple Music, and comes with keyboard shortcuts as well as customizable toolbars. Resetting the 'Open With' menu will remove duplicates and ghost applications (ones you have deleted) from the list. You reset the 'Open With' menu by rebuilding the Launch Services database your Mac maintains. There are multiple ways to rebuild the Launch Services database, including third-party system utilities like Cocktail and Onxy. May 10, 2016 Finding duplicate files on your Mac is like finding a needle in a haystack: takes either superhuman patience, or a metal detector duplicate finder app. In this post, we’ll go over both manual and app-powered ways to remove all the useless copies that waste your disk space. So, here’s how you can find and delete duplicate files on Mac.
Your Mac with High Sierra 10.13.6 can handle HEIC perfectly and you should be able to use the space saving HEIC format on your Mac without creating duplicate JPEGs in your Photos Library. Where are you seeing the duplicates? In your Photos Library or in some caches?

Delete Duplicate Photos Mac

The most common reason for HEIC photos being duplicated as JPEGS is mixing two import methods - if you transfer your photos automatically by My Photo Stream, the HEIC photos will be transferred as a JPEG, because My Photo Stream does not support HEIC. If you then import photos in any other way from your iPhone, by iCloud shot Library or by connecting the device to USB, the original HEIC versions will be seen as new photos and imported as well. If you want to keep your photos and videos in the new, space saving format, do not disable HEIC but My Photo Stream and import only by iCloud Photo Library or only by using a USB connection but do not mix import methods.
To remove the HEIC duplicates you already imported you can search for them with a smart album:
Free Duplicate File Finder Mac
- To create the smart album use 'File > New Smart Album'
- Set the rule to 'Filename includes .heic'
Duplicate File Finder Mac Os
Then you can select all remaining heirs in the smart album at once and delete them with the key combination ⌘⌫